Monday, May 2, 2011

Fortune's Double old Tea Rose

I like this rose, at least I like looking at it and smelling it. It has nasty vicious short, strong, hooked thorns that are seriously dangerous. Stefan put three of them in China Valley and we (Amanda and I) got rid of one. Hey, they seem to want to be 15 feet in diameter and 5 feet high. Well, the height really isn't a problem, but that's a dangerous 50 square feet of weeding. Anyway two are enough.

It's apparently an old Tea rose discovered in 1845 and it is beautiful and fragrant, and though it doesn't rebloom, it's worth the space it takes up.


MulchMaid said...

Roses ARE lovely and I only add ones with a scent these days. But the thorns do make it a challenge when working near them. We need rose ghettos, I think.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I only asked for one--but when three showed up, what was I supposed to do?! :)