Saturday, December 20, 2008

Florida garden December 2007 (for comparison)

We're going to Florida the 26th so I have been looking at pictures from December 2007. This one shows the two sunny beds and the beds beside the tool shed and the laundry room. In the background, planted by itself in the lawn, is a smallish Cycas revoluta, that has since been replaced by a smallish Bismarckia palm. The Jatropha in the right mid-foreground has died, actually within days of when this picture was taken. I facilitated its death by watering it and plumping it up for the 25 F temperatures that laid it low.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bugs and diseases can be exciting.... well bugs anyway

Went to a conference this past Friday at Montgomery College Germantown, Pest Management. Most of the ASRT's (gardeners) from the Arboretum went along with a smattering of Horticulturists, etc.. Learned and relearned a lot of good stuff: of course that's the point of the whole thing! It prompteed me to add two websites to the "Information" list. While they are of most use to mid-Atlantic gardeners, Bug of the Week, is a fun informative feature that Mike Raupp PhD entomologist at the University of Maryland posts weekly on his web site. It is a series of interesting topical essays, sometimes with pornographic video (see April 28, 2008); I look forward even to the less erotic posts. The second site, while of less general interest, is an essential resource for landscape professionals and serious gardeners. Go to the University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Green Industry Web Site and select "IPM Weekly Alert for Nursery and Landscape" from the toolbar. Wow. The good stuff includes weekly updates of new occurrences of insects and diseases, along with discussions of short and long-term weather including degree days. Pictures, references, suggestions. Much of the power of this site lies in the fact that this is not just what a few extension agents and a few staffers from the Univeristy come upon, it is supplemented by submissions from a large and growing network of associates in Maryland and adjacent areas. It is an incredible example of how the internet can make our lives easier and better! Take advantage of it.