Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hippeastrum, Hatiora, and Salvia....It's going to be cloudy and snow for the next two days so I need to stock up some color...polyhouse 7 is alway a good place to look

Brad seems to have a new strategy for Amaryllis: grow them in the polyhouses and move the cut stems when the flowers open. They seem to last forever that way and it allows for far more flowers in a smaller space. 

I grew Drunkard's Dream (because the leaves/stem segments look like bottles), Hatiora salicornoides when I was about 12 years old. I've always like it. It's an epiphytic cactus from Brazil and eventually forms a moppish weeping mound. Brad has a couple of largish plants in flower now. 

The Herb Garden  holdings are a pretty dependable place to look for flowers; there's always a Salvia or a Pelargonium blooming. This Salvia, Salvia iodantha Louis Saso form is awfully nice for a pink flower. Just kidding, I love pink flowers, at least I like them a lot.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Random read:
I want to snow to stop. However, it will not stop nor melt until April. Love your flowers.