Thursday, November 19, 2009

Kathleen Gagan of Peony's Envy and David Parks from Camellia Forest toured Asian Valley on a rainy dreary afternoon

I was in meetings much of the morning and it rained off and on all day, heavily at times, but these guys were pretty chipper and interested enough in the plants to endure the rain. David had just driven up to personally deliver Camellias et alia plante from Camellia Forest Nursery outside of Chapel Hill, North Carolina. If you don't know them, this is a great nursery both because they carry a wide range of choice and unusual plants, and because those plants are well grown with good root systems, and always a good value for their size.

Kathleen was here to see where we were planting her donated Peonies and to photograph them so she'd have "before" pictures to compare with the huge, lush, beautiful plants they'll have turned into in two or three years. That's a heavy burden on us, but we're up for it and will succeed. We learned that an offhand remark at a dinner party was the source the the unusual name of her company, Peony's Envy. We also learned she has an inventory of 30,000 including over 250 varieties.

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