Tony Beane, one of the attendees at the Magnolia Study day (who drove many hours from Canton, New York) spent several hours comparing flowers and plants and concluded that it could be the product of a cross between sprengeri and liliflora 'Nigra'. I think we're coming around to it though more investigation is needed we all feel that it has M. springeri either as a parent or one generation removed and the consensus is growing that M. liliflora 'Nigra' could also be part of the mix. That would make it a sort of a sibling of two of our introductions, 'Galaxy' and 'Spectrum'. At any rate it's clearly a beautiful flower.
It's beautiful!
That first specimen is a lovely tree. I miss the wealth of magnolias I remember from the Washington D.C. area. Out here, there's a plethora of Magnolia stellata, and the occasional Magnolia grandiflora - looking somewhat out of place.
A very beautiful tree no matter what the strain!
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