One in Adelphi, Maryland, one in Wildwood, Florida, one at the US National Arboretum with a grandfatherly interest in many more around the DC area (unless noted, pictures are taken the day of post)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Aralia spinosa...interesting fall display on a widespread local native

Friday, October 23, 2009
Odd fungal growths on Red Oak stump in Fern Valley

The fruiting bodies of the fungus clearly demarcate the boundary between heartwood and sapwood. The tree has only been cut a week so the fungus has gone from a mycelial to a fruiting stage fairly rapidly and apparently as a response to exposure to air. It seems likely that the fungus would have eventually manifested itself as either a canker or a "bracket". If this were a White Oak, I'd think Strumella and possibly it is anyway.
Sunrise over the Capitol Columns....they've been worth coming in early to see this week

Helianthus angustifolius, Swamp Sunflower....one of the classic "fall perennials"

There is that old saw about gardening that suggests that new gardeners favor annuals and as their sophistication progresses, move to perennials, on to shrubs and finally to trees. No doubt there's a grain of truth there, however small. I've noticed that beginning gardeners tend to focus on spring, then move to summer, then fall, and eventually end up planting for winter. Some of us. Sort of.
Anyway, though fall generally provides all the splendor and extravagance we need, there are a few traditional standards and this is one of them. Also good are Chrysanthemum rubellum vars., and so many Asters; I favor Symphiotrichum oblongifolia. There are some spectacular specimens in the Youth Garden border. Allen Lacy's The Garden in Autumn, is a great book: well written, pleasantly readable, and a great introduction to the garden plants of fall..
Thursday, October 22, 2009
MEO involved in culvert operations....if we keep fixing stuff and fixing stuff and fixing stuff, sooner or later everything will be perfect

Apparently the culvert whose job it was to carry water under the road from the Ellipse to the Fern Valley Wet Meadow was collapsed. This MEO crew replaced it today. I have to wonder what effect it'll have on the Wet Meadow. Will there be a lot more water? I have no justification for thinking this but my feeling is no. Since rain is forecast for this Friday and Saturday, we will just give the system a little test and see what happens.
We really are fixing things, another plumbing project, unrelated but concurrent, closed the road in front of the headhouse for two days, but will increase our water use efficiency and save us money.
Acer triflorum at the entrance to China Valley

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Smithsonian Interns in Fern Valley

Sunrise across the Ellipse

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Itea virginica 'Little Henry'...this is the reason people plant Virginia sweetspire

This plant is part of a planting that went in this year below the main parking lot for the Administration Building at the National Arboretum. I didn't mention it at the time, but that project was yet another small step in the continuous improvement of the campus here. Ivy and a miscellany of not so nice plants were removed and replaced with a sustainable planting of beautiful native shrubs: Rhus aromatica 'Grow-Low', Rhus typhina 'Tiger Eyes', and Itea virginica 'Little Henry'. All three are tough, all three are decorative, and all three will take the conditions on the slope. I like it.
Itea is one of a number of plants that are generally grow in wetlands or moist areas, but which seem to be equally adaptable to drier conditions. I've never heard this phenomena discussed, but it seems likely to me that the same sorts of adaptations that allow a plant to live in water might also help to minimize water loss....waxy cuticles, etc. I'm reaching here, but there are certainly a large number of wetland plants that have an above average ability to withstand drought.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Cotinus obovatus......our native Smoke Tree

Ilex litseifolia is almost a perfect holly...well, I didn't see anything that wasn't perfect

I had to call Stefan at home to figure this one out. I photographed the label because I didn't know the plant. It turns out that that name, an obsolete synonym, is ungoogleable. I almost got it on my own by trying "Ilex liteseafolia" (which is, in fact, the way our label spells litseifolia) but alas, that didn't work. So I called Stefan, who, of course, put me on to the correct spelling. It's still one of those obscure plants.....one of those plants that only Google to the "Flora of China" and a few other arcane and unhelpful sites.
Here's the thing though; click on the top picture, the close-up of leaves and berries. The leaves are thick, perfectly-shaped, and evenly dark green. The berries are smooth, unblemished, and a wonderful shade of crimson, none of that cheap scarlet. It's a perfect plant. Well, something might be wrong with it. One of our specimens died a nasty cankerous death. Still....you have to like it.
Entry in Flora of China.
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