Hey I'm not just loafing on the screen porch, I'm internalizing the view out front. I'm studying the subtle shifts from sun to shade and the movement of the hummingbirds and insects. This is work, I swear it is! The nuances are what get you. We all know that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west and moves north in the summer and south in the winter, but the exact intercepts. Where does the shade exactly fall and when. And as the years pass and growth happens what will happen to the light? Life and gardens can be as complicated as you let them be. I favor complicated gardens...life just seems to go that way.
This trip I am adding a specimen/accent plant that will have a prominent position in the space between the front of the house and the street. The point of this plant is to sit, sculpturally, in an open space surrounded by low groundcover. The Live Oaks have high foliage, so it will grow below them; a perfect size would be something like 18' high and 10' in diameter. I'm going to try this Hibiscus tiliaceus variegata that I got Monday. While not strictly speaking "sculptural" in form it does have an interesting growth habit, almost cloud like, it bulges here and there. Certainly the large variegated leaves will make it an eye-catching specimen.
Somehow I had envisioned the space as shaded, probably because it is overhung by the Live Oaks. Well not so much....it is in sun much of the day which is not a bad thing for the Hibiscus since it likes sun, but not quite the peaceful shady space I had anticipated. Thats why you have to spend a lot of time looking at your garden!