One in Adelphi, Maryland, one in Wildwood, Florida, one at the US National Arboretum with a grandfatherly interest in many more around the DC area (unless noted, pictures are taken the day of post)
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Julie, Nancy, and Eugenia came in Thursday and we did a lot of grooming

This island bed surrounded by roads is part of Korean Hill; it responded to our attentions and the recent rains. Friday morning sun lit it up so that leaves, flowers, and the bark of the Acer griseum seemed to glow from within. Though it's clearly still summer, mornings have been more pleasant of late. Lower nighttime temperatures generate groundfogs that condense on the plants and refract the sunlight pleasantly.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Rhododendron viscosum flowering in August in Fern Valley

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The big Monstera is flowering in Tropical House 7

I remember Elliot Norman telling me stories of his infatuation with large leafed philodendron type aroids. He recounted that at the time he lived in an apartment and he had it filled with huge puts of various species and selections. I never saw the space but imagine it took a good amount of patience on the part of his wife to live in a jungle. I'm thinking he kept them for a number of years because one of the topics we discussed was the transition from juvenile (mostly uncut and clumping) foliage to the mature stage where the plant climbs and the leaves are dissected in various degrees. Brad told Chris and I that this plant, the one in the picture, began producing mature foliage very soon after propagation.
Dr. Matt Greenstone continues work on his research plots

Nyssa sylvatica cvs. 'Sherry's Coud', 'Wildfire' and 'Zydeco Twist' I think;

These curious selections of the native North American Black Gum, along with many others, are in a research nursery at the Arboretum. Nathan has been urging me to walk through these plant for weeks and we finally did it today. Of course our interest is only in Asian trees but I couldn't help but marvel at the variety. It was like being in a boutique nursery only we could get the material for free so long as we plant it on campus. I have to wonder why I haven't been through it before. Actually, I know the answer. It's because for a time I was obsessed with how overplanted with trees the collection is. Well.....thanks to a few timely removals we do have room for new trees!
We picked out Staphylea holocarpa 'Innocence', a nice Maackia, some Osmanthus (shrubs really), a Sophora/Styphnolobium, two cultivars of Acer caudatum, and a few others. We're debating Aesculus turbinata, the Japanese Horsechestnut. Very exciting stuff.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Leptodermis oblonga, butterflies like this northern Chinese sub-shrub and I like it too

We finally had a good rain this past weekend; plants seem happy for the first time in at least two months. Irrigation is a good thing but it has its limits. We got over 5 inches of rain at home while the Arboretum received ~1.75". I would love to have reversed the amounts but couldn't figure out how to do it. Still we should be good for a while. Summer is coming to a close though it will take four or five weeks to get there. It has certainly been a trying season though mild in comparison to what much of the rest of the country has endured. Now I read that areas of Australia are experiencing unprecedentedly high temperature. Next year will be exciting.
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