Okay, there's no picture. The robins wouldn't stand still long enough, close enough for a photograph and the mass of ?? ~1 pound!!! of earthworms was so disgusting that I deleted the picture. In retrospect probably a mistake. The rains seem to have ended and in dry periods earthworms mass together in large groups to conserve water. While I was blowing debris off the path I happened upon a mass maybe 18" long, 2" high, and a foot across, a LOT of earthworms! Unfortunately I had dispersed the pile and mixed in leaves, petals, dried catkins, etc.. It wasn't pretty....it wouldn't have been pretty anyway.
Every summer in Fern Valley we dreaded the "attack of the robins". Starting in late June or early July, the robins went berserk, uprooting leaves, mulch, soil. They littered trails as fast as we could rake or blow them. Smoothly mulched beds became areas of riotous disorder. Now I know what they were looking for. A giant mass of "aestivating earthworms". I can't imagine what it would be like finding that clot of writhing worms if I were a hungry robin, but wow! It's no wonder they persevere!
One in Adelphi, Maryland, one in Wildwood, Florida, one at the US National Arboretum with a grandfatherly interest in many more around the DC area (unless noted, pictures are taken the day of post)
Friday, July 10, 2009
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Zankoriana' (top) and Hydrangea macrophylla 'Domotoi'

This season was easily stretched with its superabundance of rain and generally cool temperatures. We got our money's worth from all the Hydrangeas this year!
'Zankoriana' is fully open and the flowers are perfect; it's a spectacular plant, but curiously, unGoogleable. I must investigate further.
Convolvulus sp. .... another Azerbaijani plant flowers in the China Valley Rockery

I don't know who this is but He/Shes pretty!

The coloration is pretty distinctive so I expect that as soon as I get hold of my butterfly field guides I'll be able to ID it. They're in Florida so that'll be two weeks from yesterday, but who's counting?! Me. I'm planting a lime this time. No one in the community has a lime and I like them for cooking and bartending. Chris Carley recommended some varieties. Maybe We'll plant two different ones but I hate to dedicate that much space to one fruit. We'll see.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Perovskia is a great large perennial for a hot, dry, sunny location

Before and after pictures of BIG weeding project

The plants we cut ranged from Ground Ivy to 15' Callery Pear seedlings. There were huge stands of Mugwort, Artemisia vulgaris, and Purple Loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria. Some of the work was done by hand; we removed large amounts of vines including Ampelopsis, Mile-a-minute, and others. We piled them up and Ed chipped them with the bushhog.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Silphium laciniatum and Euphorbia corollata in the Fern Valley Prairie

I like both of these plants and both are easy.The The thick sculptural leaves of the Silphium and its height make it an interesting plant for the back of a perennial border while the airy lightness of the Spurge provides a good counterpoint for many of the bolder summer perennials.
Monday, July 6, 2009
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