I like them all but the top pot with the large
Leptospermum polygalifolium 'Copper Glow',
the golden Crinum, and the lantana is a wonderful mix of textures and colors plus the lantana flowers non-stop attracting butterflies and other interesting pollinators. The large
Euphorbia cotinifolia in the middle pot makes quite a statement, again with lantana and an assortment of curiosities. The dominant plant in the bottom container is
Euphorbia tirucallii 'Firesticks'. Crinum 'Sangria' is flowering. All of these containers were composed with exlusively xeric plants so that they don't require watering more than once or twice a week even in the height of summer.
I have heard talk here and there that we, as an Institution, may take a position where we will actively advocate for sustainable horticulture. That would be a great thing and I hope it comes to pass. It is clear that as things tighten up monetarily it will become more important to make choices that minimize the requirements for regular inputs of water, fertilizer, pesticide, fungicide, pruning, or even regular replacement. If we can create good landscapes, good gardens, even good containers with fewer demands we'll be better off. That's only common sense and many of us in the horticultural community have been headed in this direction for years. It probably is time to broadcast the idea to the outside world.