Thursday, July 15, 2010

I stopped by the Agricultural Library this mornign and Wow, somebody did a lot of weeding

The planting is way bigger than it looks, My hand is just there to prevent the sun from blasting the picture.

I'm sue it was Karen and an assembled team. They did a great job. The plants themselves are doing well. Panicum 'Northwind' isn't my favorite Switchgrass; it's real vertical and real big, which are good characteristics here. The building itself is so stark and vertical the grasses are appropriate. Normally I like the steel blue of 'Heavy Metal' but this cool green work well with the teal on the sign. Invisible, but around the perimeter are the dwarf Waxmyrtles, wonderful plants for a tough site. The perennials, with the weeds gone, are looking goog. Fron the Left Sedum "Angelina, Kalimeris ;Blue Star', Lovegrass, and mostly behind the sign Black-eyed Susans.I think, after this wonderful weeding, that I can walk away and all will be well.

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