I was admiring Annabelle's deliciously rounded, ivory mounds when it occurred to me that the Hydrangeas were probably flowering along the road in Fern Valley. Hey just kidding; I don't even know anybody named Annabelle. I remember the Edgar Allen Poe poem
Annabelle Lee, but I think Poe liked his women about 12 years old and anorexic (he was a man ahead of his time as I am a man behind mine). No mounds for EAP.
It's convenient how the Hydrangeas come into flower as so much of the spring display is waning.
Hydrangea quercifolia, Oakleaf Hydrangea, has also begun to flower and there are wonderful plants also along the FV roadside. A number of selections have been made from H. quercifolia; some are represented in the FV shady cultivar area and more are coming.
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