Sunday, June 24, 2012

The live oaks can grow a new crop of leaves, the grass will turn green, and the children will have shoes...

....actually the children aren't children anymore and they do have shoes, but it's nice to get a healthy rain. And while it seems petty to quibble...if it could just stop before the pond reaches the house...

The top red area on the right is centered~ over the Florida garden and I can only say that this is wonderful timing. We're going down Saturday morning and it'll be great to see everything green and hydrated. It might even make up for the high humidity and the 90F+ temps. Hey, I haven't seen the garden for 5 months so I'm psyched.


MulchMaid said...

I often wonder, reading your posts, how you can possibly keep up with a garden in Florida when you're working in DC...rain is good, but it does make things GROW!

ChrisU said...

Good point. There will be pruning and much weeding this weekend. We pay someone to cut the grass but the beds will be raggedy.