Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Recently new plantings above the GCA Circle

This little ground-cover rubus (Rubus calycinoides or R. pentalobus) is a large and important element in the space. It's established itself nicely in 2+ years. The golden hostas, on the other hand have a ways to go; they'll be 5 feet across at maturity! Other things you can see are the edges of the "loropetalum island" (on the right), Pennisetum orientalis 'Karley Rose' center, and the "contained planting of variegated bamboo mid picture. There's a potted bamboo sitting on the circle silhouetted by the shady background. The two trees in back are Stewartia sinensis, and Acer palmatum.

1 comment:

Amanda Schutte said...

Wow! I can't believe how much that Rubus has grown. Looks beautiful.