Thursday, December 3, 2009

Now that we've hired Amanda as an ASRT, shes free to pursue her Zoological interests

You will notice that the three women in the picture all have their heads down. Betty and Terri, (volunteers) and Amanda, soon to be the new China Valley ASRT were doing cutbacks and cleaning up today and Amanda hit the zoological jackpot, spotting bot the egg-laying praying mantis, and the quarter-sized Snapping? Turtle. That's one cute turtle.

We did a good bit of work, timing our leaf removal to coincide with the leaf pickup truck. Almost all the leaves are down now and all the views of the collection visible from the road are clean and attractive and the rest are coming along.


Sarah said...

I went aawwww when I saw the turtle, like you would seeing a puppy or kitten. (Not the usual reponse snapping turtles receive I'm sure) I just ran into the woman who does the Garden Rant blog at a conf and she says she wishes more people would comment instead of just "lurk," at her site or blogs in general. So in the interest of supporting a blog I love, I'm sending a comment of appreciation. Keep up the good work; I love being able to keep up on what's happening at the Arboretum (I'm a former gardener there) and also appreciate your hort expertise and general observations..... Cheers, Sarah

ChrisU said...

Thanks Sarah, but it's okay if you just want to lurk!