One in Adelphi, Maryland, one in Wildwood, Florida, one at the US National Arboretum with a grandfatherly interest in many more around the DC area (unless noted, pictures are taken the day of post)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The trees are still standing.....well anyway two of them are!
The tree contractor came in today and removed the two smaller trees to make way for the 125 ton crane that is now scheduled for Monday. They made short work of the Oak and Tulip tree, leaving one pole to tie the leaning Tulip tree to. There were lots of reasons for taking this photo from across the road beyond cowardice; I was staying out of the hardhat area, I was under a tree and so sheltered from the light rain, and thirdly and even more importantly, I stood against the tree trunk giving me photographs from a position I can easily relocate Monday. We'll have "before" and "after" pictures. It won't be pretty but it'll be good!
I haven't come out in person yet, I'm afraid I'll cry...